Know When to Ask for Help!


Everyone goes through periods of discontent and unhappiness. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but unhappiness is distinctly different from depression. Today, we’ll take a look at the common signs of depression so you can better distinguish between true depression and a simple case of the Monday blues.

Sense of Hopelessness

If you get up in the morning and start the day with a sense of hopelessness, or believe that your life is amounting to nothing, your unhappiness may be more than simple discontent. Depression often causes people to feel that their lives are pointless, or that any and all negative things that happen to them are their fault. While accepting responsibility for your actions is an important part of daily life, accepting responsibility for things you could not control is detrimental to your health.

Withdrawing from Activities

Many people enjoy going out with friends, playing sports, or even just getting out of the house to enjoy a sunny afternoon, but individuals suffering from depression may feel the urge to give up interacting with the outside world. If you find yourself staying at home, turning down invitations from friends and family, and losing interest in things that used to make you happy, it may be time to seek professional help.

Sleeping All Day

Depression often leads to a pronounced lack of energy and extreme lethargy that keeps people from living life normally. While depression commonly leads to oversleeping, it can also cause intense insomnia, preventing people from easily falling asleep, even after a full day of activity. Worst of all, poor sleep patterns can lead to an increase in feelings of anxiety and anger, only worsening your depression.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you or someone you love is exhibiting these symptoms. If you live in Long Island, give Long Island Counseling a call and schedule an appointment. We want to help you regain control of your life.

Long Island Counseling

Long Island Counseling
Lisa Lempel-Sander LPsyA
Licensed Psychoanalyst
221 Hollywood Ave
Douglaston NY 11363

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Couples & Marriage Counseling

Professional marriage counseling and couples therapy helps heal after an affair or infidelity, helps build trust and improve communication, helps resolve arguments about money or sex, and teaches you what each needs to promote intimacy and emotional connection. For all couples looking to strengthen their relationship.


Anxiety & Depression

Therapy provides support and direction in overcoming addiction and substance abuse, in resolving anxiety, depression and other emotional pain including lack of confidence and low self-esteem. Therapy helps with clarifying sexual orientation, gender-based identity questions, LGBT issues, gay and lesbian questions.


Relationship In Crisis

Discernment Counseling has one goal: to help you decide whether to stay in the relationship and try to work it out, or to leave. Discernment Counseling treats both partners even when there’s disagreement about the desired outcome. Discernment Counseling is a brief, highly-focused protocol with just one goal: helping you decide.